Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A few new PICS....

Audrey is loving the pretty weather. Everyday when Papa gets back from work, he takes her for a stroll...and she loves it!! Here are a few cute pictures. Some in her cute red dress Adrienne gave her, it's a first, she wasn't in pink! Today Bryan and Kristin are having their baby, we are so excited and can't waith to meet Evie! I'm sure her and Audrey will have so much fun together in the future.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

2 Months Old!

Hello Everyone, It's been a while since we posted! Iam back busy at work and have been occupied spending time with Audrey, she is getting so big and is so funny now! She has discovered her hands and she sucks on them all day long...its so cute. She laughs all the time, at everybody and everything! I made her little "2 month old" onesie, it's has butterflies and ladybugs..just in time for spring! At her recent dr. visit, she weighed 12 lbs and is now 23 inches. She is very healthy and right on track on the growing charts, yay!We love this pretty weather. Audrey loves to be outside in her stroller, can't waith for the summer, she got the cutest bathing suit from the Easter Bunny! It's pink leopard print!(of course)
Bye for now...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy EASTER from The Thibodeaux's!

HAPPY EASTER to everyone! We had a good time in Toledo bend. Audrey was very good traveling...The weather could have been a little better, but it was nice to get away! It was pretty chilly, however, we did get to go down and fish Saturday! Me and Audrey watched Papa fish with the rest of them. He caught a few, can't wait til Audrey can will be funny! To pass some of the time, Mimi and Happy dressed Audrey up in all kind of crazy hats...we all had a good laugh. She is such a happy camper and let us all enjoy the trip!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Off to Toledo Bend for Easter!

Tomorow we will be taking our first road trip as a little family, with Audrey. We are going to Toledo Bend for the weekend. We hope she behaves and enjoys the ride, like she usually does. She is always very good in the car! We're not used of packing so much STUFF! We hope the weather is pretty and we catch lots of fish! I'm sure we will have lots of pictures to show everyone...her first Easter & Fishing trip. We wish everyone a Happy and Blessed EASTER!
Love, Blair, Glenn & Audrey

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

All smiles!!!

Just wanted to show you guys how big Audrey is getting. The other morning it was pretty chilly outside, so we had to put a hat on! Here are a few pictures of her...she smiles more and more everyday! She looks like a cute little polar bear! LOL