Saturday, February 28, 2009

"Happy" makes me SMILE!

Hello everyone! We are still doing good, Audrey is growing so much everyday! She is sleeping very good at night and is pretty happy during the day. Yesterday my mom and dad came over to see Audrey before they headed out to Toledo Bend, and of course Mimi scooped her up before Happy could, so he was standing over them talking to Audrey and she let out the biggest SMILE ever!! Guess she thinks Happy is funny, like we all do! He was thrilled, she gave him her FIRST real smile. You can tell she was really focusing on him. Can't believe she is almost three weeks old, wish she could stay like this forever. Through out the day she continued to crack a few smiles...I caught one on camera. Cute, huh! She even has tiny dimples when she smiles.