Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Audrey's first tooth!

Well, Audrey finally has a tooth!!!! Today after picking her up from Crystal's, I noticed she had a tiny piece of white showing...and it was indeed her first tooth. Yay, she's nine months old...it was sure time to get one. We have been doing very well. This weekend Mom and Papa are going to a wedding in New Orleans and Audrey will stay with Auntie Niki and the boys. I will miss my lil' girl! But know she will be in good hands and I know she will have lots of fun playing with Beau.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!! From the Pink Leopard!

Well Audrey enjoyed her first Halloween! She was a leopard....a PINK one of course! We went to the carnival at Papa's Church with cousin Beau and Auntie Niki, she had so much fun watching all the kids and everyone loved her costume. She was so cute and left her hood with the ears on all night, she didn't try to pull them off. After, we went visit Mimi and Happy, then went eat at Pizza Palace. Fun night with the fam! Here are a few pictures of Audrey. Everyone called her a kitty!