Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Audrey's 4 month ONESIE

Here is Audrey in her 4 month old onesie. Just in time for Summer...it has a sunshine, a beach ball and watermelon. She is getting so big and is so funny now! She has discovered her voice and can let out quite a pretty big yell, and she screeches all the time. It's almost time to make her 5 month onesie now! Be on the look out for it. We are getting ready for the 4th of July, we'll have to find some red, white and blue for her to wear! Bye everyone!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's HOT today!!!

Hello everyone, it's been so long since we posted! Audrey is 4 months old and is getting so big! Today was a very HOT summer day, so we let her take a dip in Mimi and Happy's pool. She has on her new bikini and her sunglasses...cool Mama! She loves to swim. We are having so much fun watching her grow, she makes us laugh and is still such a good baby. Sunday she and Evie were checking each other out...can't wait to see when they get bigger, how fun they will be together.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sunday at Mimi & Happy's!

Sunday, after church, we went to Mimi's house for lunch and brought Audrey's bathing suit...because we knew if the sun was out they would be swimming So after dessert we relaxed a little while then the twins took Audrey for her first dip in the pool! She loved it and did not even cry or squirm when they put her in. It was so cute, she would lay out on the raft. She didn't stay in too long , 'cause of course she got her mom's white skin! Didn't want her to burn. She had a blast and can't wait for her next swim!