Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fun Weekend!

Last weekend we participated in the March of Dimes, March for Babies in honor of Elle Ava, Bryan and Kristin's first daughter. We did the walk last year and it was nice being with all the family, and after, we all gathered together for a fun night at my Moms for a cooking competition we call: Elle's Kitchen. We prepared an appetizer and then all voted on the best one, and had lots of great prizes. This year we continued the tradition, adding a dessert category. We had lots of GOOD food and lots of fun seeing all the new babies in the family. Bryan and Kristin were even there with their new (3 day old) addition, Evie! She is so beautiful and I am so blessed to be her Nanny! Here are a few pictures from the weekend. Can't wait til next year! There is a picture with Momo and all the new babies, it was so funny trying to get them on the couch...and Audrey kept looking at the Country Living magazine on Mimi's coffee table, they all said she was worried about looking for a recipe for next year LOL


  1. Nanny already misses Audrey from today! Maybe I'll just quit my job and be a real "Nanny" so I can spend everyday with her!

  2. All of the pictures from the weekend make me smile, and laugh, and cry! I just LOVE that we LOVE our WHOLE fam damily!!

