Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day Papa!

We had a very fun weekend. Saturday we went to cousin Beau's birthday party. They had a really cool water fun jump that Audrey loved, but was too scared to go down. She hung out in her baby pool with the other "little ones". There were lots of kids to play with. She had a blast and hung in there all day, til late! Sunday we celebrated Father's Day at Happy's house. We had lots of good food and peanut butter cupcakes for dessert. She got to swim again at their house. Then took a long nap. We had a great weekend. It flew by so fast, with all the fun we had. Audrey helped bake up some goodies for Papa at the babysitters last week. She's already taking after mom. The cookies and brownies were yummy! She was so cute giving Papa his present. We love you POP! Will miss ya this week!!!!


  1. Those were the BEST peanut butter cupcakes ever. Thanks for sharing them!

  2. look at her "showing her teeth" to Happy!
